
Vacation Cruises (Assignment 1)

The luxuriousness of ocean cruises draws in practically all vacationers. The all-you-can-eat buffets, the ocean breeze in your hair, and losing weight from how seasick you get, are all components in what makes the cruise experience what it is. But is the bang really worth your buck? Cruises are pretty expensive, about the price of a used car (about 5.5 thousand dollars per person, round trip), so are they really worth it? According to Irene S. Levine, author of “Luxury Cruise Line Announces New Immersive Voyage to Cuba” for Forbes, it is.

Especially with a new improvement to the schedule by Seven Seas Mariner, which modifies the trip so that, rather than simply visiting the area for a day and leaving that afternoon, visitors can stay the night in the area to really get a feel for the culture and climate. While many might say that this modification would decrease the amount of places visited, this opposing argument is invalid, the cruise simply lasts longer than a cruise that comes and goes all in one day. This provides both more opportunity and more vacation time away from the house, providing more time to unwind and relax. In this way, vacation cruises are an amazing way to spend the holiday.

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/irenelevine/2018/10/03/luxury-cruise-line-announces-new-immersive-voyage-to-cuba/

3 thoughts on “Vacation Cruises (Assignment 1)”

  1. Hey Ainsley- this seems like good information and I might check it out someday. But I was wondering: are you arguing for this kind of cruise or just for cruises in general? Either one could work but I was just a bit confused. -Nicole


  2. I understand this article very clearly because you provide a very specific detail and use good reasoning to convince your readers! I think maybe you can discuss more about the advantages of cruise ship, not only one reason to back up your opinion. But great job!!!


  3. Although I’ve never been on a cruise, it sounds fun but expensive too. I think the second option of getting to immerse yourself into a culture would be more interesting than visiting for a second . I am definitely up to try both tho.


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